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Dear Harley community,

We are going through something we’ve never quite seen before—as a school, a community, a world. It’s all moving incredibly fast: colleges and universities closing, events being cancelled, and last night we came to learn of our first confirmed case in Monroe County. At Harley, our first commitment is to the health and safety of the community, and we have been working extraordinarily hard to make sure we make good decisions and prepare for any eventuality.
We are, of course, closely examining the question of whether or when to close school, consulting with public health officials, local school leaders, and experts in the field (from the Harley community). We have not yet made a decision to close, but I do have news: we are taking Monday as a day for deep cleaning and professional development for our remote learning plan. Students will have Monday off. Right now we have no plans beyond that, but we will stay in close contact.
Our remote-learning task force has been hard at work for some time now, and we’ll be in regular communication about remote learning plans should that time come. For those who haven’t yet, please take a moment to answer our very short technology survey, which we are using to gauge the available technology in students’ homes (and we will be able to help some families, assuming there is need).
We have put up a Covid-19 microsite at the Harley website, where we’re keeping all of our guidance and communications to parents. It includes remote learning information, previous communications, and lots of excellent resources. Bookmark it, it’s here: This should be the first place we all go with whatever questions we may have.
The measure of a community is how it responds to stress, to challenges. On the one hand, that response is a matter of practical steps and plans; on the other, it’s actually about how we band together, support each other, and take care. Please know that we at the school are working double-overtime to work on those practical steps and plans, but the second part is just as important. At this moment, we need to take care of ourselves and each other, remaining calm in the face of uncertainty, and providing support to those who need it.
This will not last forever and we will get through it together. I’m thankful to be in this extraordinary community with all of you.