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We Inspire Academic Excellence

We Inspire Academic Excellence

Annie Duckles, Chris Hoeger, Da Hee Hong, Rachel Kurchin, Richard Lange, Evan Vanable, Andrew Guzick (not pictured), and Emmett Wyman, all members of the class of 2009, are currently enrolled in Ph.D. or M.D. programs. They credit The Harley School for setting them on...
We Show How to Care for the World and Other People

We Show How to Care for the World and Other People

Caitlin Frame ’05 started at Harley in Grade 9. She was a three season athlete all four years, playing volleyball, indoor track, cross-country running, swimming, and outdoor track. She also participated in Harley’s Hospice program and the Recycling...
We Promote Physical and Mental Fitness

We Promote Physical and Mental Fitness

Physical fitness runs in the Joslyn family. With Bob Joslyn, former Harley School athletic director, as their father, how could it be any other way?   Mark Joslyn ’80 was quite the athlete at Harley. He played soccer, lacrosse, and swam. Mark loved...
We Inspire Academic Excellence

We Inspire Academic Excellence

Erika Jung ’07 was always a leader. As a student at Harley, Erika took on the role of Editor-in-Chief and resurrected the dormant Acorn Press student newspaper and the Calliope literary magazine. She believed these papers were an important part of the student...
Penguins=Math in Action

Penguins=Math in Action

Penguins=Math in Action One of our Primary (combined Kindergarten and Grade 1) classrooms recently started a new unit about penguins that lasts for several weeks. Taking a thematic approach to elementary learning is a vehicle for teaching all subject areas in a...